Assalamualaikum everybody.
Blog dah tak aktif. Serious, memang setahun sekali je aku bukak blog ni haa ibaratnya. Kali terakhir dok update pun bulan September tahun lepas. Sekarang aku dah masuk form 5, bila lagi aku nak maju? Aku pun tak tahu bilakah akan tiba waktu dan saatnya. Eceh ayat kemain. Within the time aku senyap, everything keeps changing. Kehidupan waktu form 5 ni lebih stress daripada yang aku expect. All of the teachers give us a very high expectation. You will feel like you're going to cry out loud and screaming as much as you want. Trust me, it's not just a hyperbola. It's a fact.
So this night (?), ni je la aku nak cakap. I will work more on my blog after this. Simple update from me, annyeong.